Anti-irradiation optical glass

High absorption of high energy radiation, high lead glass and CaO-B2O2 system glass, the former can prevent gamma rays and X-ray irradiation, the latter can absorb slow neutrons and thermal neutrons, mainly used in the nuclear industry , the medical field, etc. as a shielding and peep window material.

Irradiation resistant optical glass

Under certain gamma-ray and X-ray irradiation, the transmittance in the visible region changes less. The varieties and grades are the same as the colorless optical glass, and are used to manufacture optical instruments and peep windows under high-energy irradiation.

Non-Woven Geotextile

Non-Woven Geotextile,Geotextile for Reinforcement,Nonwoven Fabric

Waterproof Material,Geotextile,Geocell Co., Ltd. ,

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