Mediterranean style living room 5 popular sofa tide products

[CASE1: Mediterranean Light Blue Fabric Sofa]

Brand: Jiexin Furniture

Color: light blue (customizable color \ size)

Materials from inside to outside:

First floor: wooden frame (pinewood + splint)

The second floor: bow spring, pull band elastic, non-woven

The third layer: high quality 45 density super soft sponge + independent spring package (high quality sponge, no black heart cotton)

The fourth floor: fiber cotton (partly filled with soft and comfortable doll cotton (alias space cotton) filled with the inside of the bag and tabloid pillow)

Fifth Floor: Magic Cloth

The sixth floor: high-grade cotton yarn dyed fabrics.

Size: length * width * height

Single: 90X90X90 high

Double: 160X90X90 high

Three people, 200X90X90 high

Square stool: 60X70X45 high

Buy Link: Jiexin Furniture

Recommended reason: simple light blue wood sofa can be placed in a blue or white Mediterranean style space. The color is very natural and it has a great feeling.

Mediterranean style home color matching style effect map furniture fabric home furnishing decoration design decoration style cloth sofa fabric sofa cushion fabric sofa single sofa white furniture simple furniture decoration home

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