Renovation Contracts Organizing Heavy Self-Cleaning Trap

Renovation contract agencies heavily self-revealed the four major traps

1, "Warranty" can not be trusted

In the renovation contract, the term "project acceptance" includes the contents of the "warranty". The length of the warranty varies from one to three years. However, in fact, as long as there is no quality problem when the decoration is completed, the actual significance of the warranty is not great. Because once the project has a problem, it is difficult to define what caused it. For example, the door of the owner's home was cracked, and the home improvement company would say that the home environment was too dry. It will even push the responsibility to the building material trader.

Although some current contracts also stipulate that after the end of the warranty period, the landlord pays the quality guarantee (ie the final payment). But this part of the money usually only accounts for 5% of the project. In fact, the home improvement company has already collected the money from elsewhere. Even if something went wrong, the owner refused to pay the quality deposit, and the home improvement company didn't lose much, so things would not have gone any further.

2, since the purchase of building materials into a burden

In general, owners will be more cautious about building materials purchased by home improvement companies. It will strictly review its brand, manufacturers, etc., and indicate in the contract. However, they ignored the negligence of the building materials they had purchased and left a handle for the home improvement company.

The manager said that if the owner himself purchases home improvement materials such as renovation building materials, it is necessary to indicate the serial number, name, manufacturer, type, specification, quantity, etc. of the product in the contract. Some homeowners feel that their purchases are certainly not a problem. They are not specified in the contract and give home improvement companies an opportunity. Once a problem arises, the home improvement company will shirk its responsibility accordingly, saying that there is a problem with the building materials purchased by the owners.

3, fuzzy vocabulary

In the renovation contract, some ambiguous claims, the responsibility to identify the hidden dangers. For example, Mr. Xu had a "deducted actual expenses for calculating expenses" and so on. The manager said that "calculating expenses according to the actual amount incurred" is a very watery concept. What is the actual amount of money is also not well defined. On the one hand, the owner cannot limit the construction loss of the workers. On the other hand, the calculation of the labor cost of the workers is not uniform. There are money calculated according to the people's head, and there are money calculated according to the project's working hours. It is difficult for the owners to accurately know how many workers are doing. how long.

4, "added items" hidden institutions

In a home-installed contract, there will generally be such an agreement: Except for the increase due to the construction party, the owner will require the owner to modify and increase the project to bear the cost. According to the manager, home improvement companies often use this clause to take advantage of irregularities and collect fees indiscriminately. For example, in the retrofitting of a sewage pipeline, only the price of the water pipeline is indicated, but the number of pipelines is not specified. In the end, how much is actually used can only be heard by home improvement companies. For wires buried in the wall, etc., it is more likely to happen.

In addition, there is a situation where some owners actively request some additional designs in order to personalize the room. The original owner’s practice of increasing the project would break the overall style of the room, but the home improvement company did not stop the increase in fees.

Finally, the manager reminded the owner that he should be careful when signing a home-installed contract, clearly stipulating all possible problems, and not being confused by a large number of clauses. If you are really busy, you can also consider the supervision of the company's help.

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