In fact, it is not so hard to teach you how to read the decoration drawings

The decoration design drawings are the basis of home renovation construction. The area, measurement, and distribution of electric wires of homes should all obey the “order” of the design drawings. But for many people, the dazzling drawings make people feel puzzled. Today, Xiao Bian took everyone to know some of the things about drawings.

First, the introduction of all kinds of decoration main drawings

The main drawings are the schematic diagrams of the major decoration links during the decoration process, so that the head of the house and the construction staff can clearly understand the designer's ideas. The main drawings of the renovation include the original building survey drawings, layout plans, and ceiling layout drawings.

1, the original construction plan

What is the original building survey? The original building measurement plan includes the specific room size of the room, the thickness of the wall, the height of the floor, the position and size of the room beams and columns, the size and position of the openings of the doors and windows, and the positions of various tube wells (upper and lower water, gas pipelines, air conditioners, and power supply). , function, size and Other items, it is the basis of all design drawings, if the measurement drawings at the beginning of the deviation, the subsequent design drawings and construction will therefore have errors, leading to the entire project can not be normal. Therefore, we must focus on mastering the original building survey drawings!

2, decoration plan layout

There is a lot of content in the decorative floor plan. Which should have: wall positioning size, there are structural columns, doors and windows at the width dimension should be noted; all regional names to note all, such as the living room, restaurant, leisure area, etc., the room name should be full, such as the master bedroom, second bedroom, Study rooms; interior and exterior floor elevations, wall thicknesses should be specified; if there are stairs, indicate the arrangement of the plane position, up and down directions and step calculations; door opening direction; activities of furniture layout and bonsai, sculpture, crafts, etc. configuration .

3, ceiling ceiling layout

The ceiling plan is one of the most important drawings in the ceiling decoration project. It is required to specify the size of the shape of the tomorrow's flowers, the location of the lamps and details of the drawings, and the height of the floor of the ceiling relative to the floor surface of the floor of the floor should be marked. The name of each room should also be noted.

Decoration design design knowledge home knowledge

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